Los Angeles Caricature Artists

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Are You Looking For A Los Angeles Caricature Artist? 

We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding booking a caricature artist for your next Los Angeles event.

Goofy Faces offers over 500 different traditional caricature artists nationwide, including in the Los Angeles area. Traditional and digital caricatures are a crowd favorite. We can draw in person or via your favorite video service such as Zoom.

Phone: +1 248 652 8910
Email: info@goofyfaces.com

A caricature artist refers to a special style of portrait artist. A caricature is a portrait or depiction of real-life people. They are not cartoon fabrications of fictional characters. A caricature artist exaggerates the essence or features of the subject while keeping enough information so the subject is still familiar and recognizable.

Goofyfaces.com offers digital and traditional caricatures from experienced caricaturists for event locations around the United States. Our artists specialize in event and wedding caricatures. We have a convenient search tool to help you find a caricature artist in Los Angeles. Use the zip code form above.

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