Preparing for Face Painting Training Sessions
Welcome to Goofy Faces - We are so happy to have you on our team!
Before you start painting faces at one of the locations where we have retail art stands, it would be great for you to review the information below:
- Face Painters Studyguide can be downloaded and printed for trainees
- Face Painting Samples Book: FacePaintingBook.pdf
- Some great examples of fantastic face painting can be viewed on Pinterest
Face Painting Kit
Our Face Painters can order an entire kit from Silly Farms at a discount by mentioning Goofy Faces. The kit includes:
- 12 FAB 45 GM Colors of your Choice
- 3 Gold Grip Paint Brushes
- 4 Sponges
- 2 Proof Glitters of your Choice
These heads don't have to be mounted onto anything for use, which is great.
1) Spray your mannequin with Aquanet heavy duty hairspray. Spray it down 3 to 4 times. Allow the spray to fully dry into or onto the mannequin product.
2) After you are finished with your makeup practice you should clean it right away.
3) To clean get makeup cotton wipes and pour 91% rubbing alcohol and you should start rubbing off the make up. Rub hard.
4) You may also use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Use the eraser and rub off any deep smears that you can see faintly.
The following sponges will save time because they are shaped to make butterflies, masks, etc. You can work FASTER due to their shape!:
Face Painting Sponges
Mesh Bag (For dirty sponges)
Face Painting Mesh Bag for Sponges
Starter Brushes
Every artist should have 2 round brushes (fine line and medium weight) and a 3/4 to a 1" flat brush
Not Available at Silly Farm
WOLFE Palette: $25.00
Face Painting Palette by WOLFE
WOLFE Metallics (this is a great supplement):
Face Painting Metallics by WOLFE
Face Painters can order a Goofy Faces Apron from Zazzle